“You can leave Hong Kong, but it will never leave you.”
― Nury Vittachi, Hong Kong: The City of Dreams
Indeed, this country could give you more and you will never tire even for how frequent you visit. It's me and my son's second travel and my husband's 8th, yet we couldn't get more of it.
To travel with the whole family is really memorable especially that it's my daughter's first time to fly. She was really excited and the take off was really funny as we hear her utter "Oh my gosh! It's scary," yet the smile not leaving her face. We boarded on a Cebu Pacific plane. We got our tickets at a cheaper price. We booked our flight 3 months before so we were able to get the promo at around P10,000 for the 4 of us. But of course there are plus, plus, plus...you know, they say that when you travel from the Philippines there are much to pay for. First plus payment is the travel tax to be paid at the department of tourism. For adults you need to pay P1,620 each and for children 11 years old and below, you need to pay 1,010 each. So that's P5,260 for us. We had to take our car to go to the Clark airport in Pampanga so we allotted P2,000 for the fuel. There is a park 'n fly arrangement at the airport which you can leave your car at their parking lot for P90/day, which is I think very convenient.We left ours for 4 days and it was in one piece when we got it back. Then at the airport you will have to pay for terminal fee which is P450 each person multiplied by 4 for a total of P1,800. The flight went smoothly, the only complaint we had was the food. We paid P350/pax for a Cebu pacific meal but it looked and tasted like it came from a can of flavored tuna meals when it came. It was the idea of my husband to opt for a plane meal so the kids could experience it but we were just disappointed. Better to take out from McDonald's or Jollibee.

It was really cold when we arrived Hong Kong on March 3, 2013. From the airport, one needs to take many kinds of transport. For package tours, you will be fetch by a private bus arranged by your agency. Some could take the taxi, train or the bus. We took the 2 decked bus for us to see the view while going to the main island, it costs HK$120 (P660) per adult and HK$60 (p330) per child. It took about 30 minutes to arrive at the Central, Hong Kong where we stayed.

On the way there, we passed by one of the longest bridges in the world which is the Tsing Ma bridge. It was Sunday, so we saw many Filipinas when we alighted at the Central station. It was like a market day, I saw many balikbayan boxes being packed on the side walks getting ready to be shipped and the lines were long at the remittance centers. How my heart melts as I see these workers eagerly sending their hard earned money to their family back home. Oversees workers are indeed honorable. We were met by a relative, who was eager to show us our flat for the tour. We are grateful for Filipinos around the world, you'll never get lost.
A particular Sunday sight at HongKong Central. |
After we unpacked, we went out for a lunch. We missed Hong Kong's white and roasted chicken. During this travel we learned that the cheapest/basic regular meal is worth 32HKD, that's P176/person/meal. Hahaha I was the convert queen during the whole travel. So it made me sane not to spend much when I got to compare the price in the Philippines. :-D
A regular meal. |
There was no time to take a rest on the first day so after lunch we boarded the ferry going to the other side of the island. By the way, if you are a tourist, it is advisable to take coins with you, you will be needing them a lot as you trot from one location to another. Anyway, the other side of Central, Hong Kong is Kowloon where one can see Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade. This is where tourists would flock at night to watch the symphony of lights. Dancing lights coming from the different buildings can be viewed while cuddling on a bench made especially for that event. This is the best time to take pictures as you can see HK's trademark of tall building and colorful lights.
A posterity shot with my Erik. |
The second day was spent where the child in you will be revived. Disney Land, of course! We decided to take the subway this time. It was cool because there is a part where there is a train interchange and the train going to Disneyland is designed with it's famous characters. The excitement starts from there.
Erin inside the Disney subway. |
Look at the train windows, aren't they awesome. |
As we approach the entrance, one can find the ticket booth.
1-Day Ticket is available at HK$450 (about P1,925) per adult and at HK$320 (about P1,760) per child 11 years old and below. And as I review the rates, I now understand why I saw many oldies in there, their ticket rate is at HK$100 (P550).
Tip: Buy your take out food and drinks from the main island because the food price here is really expensive. Buy ticket elsewhere, I can't remember the building but it's where OFW sends their remittance, it's cheaper.
There were many new rides and attractions compared to when we got there in 2007. However, our favorites are the following:
1. Space Mountain - it's a roller coaster ride in a dark indoor where you can only see lights of planets and stars. It was a blast! It would wake you up from the long trip going there if you make that your first ride. My kids liked it much!
2. The parade of characters - this moment is when your dreams come alive. Seeing the princesses in person and getting to shake hands with Buzz or Mickey is breath taking.
She was lucky to get a hug from the princess.
We come in peace with Buzz Lightyear. |
The legendary childhood princesses. |
Erin was chosen to participate in some kind of a musical number by the Lion King group. |
3. Encounter with Stitch - I wasn't there to experience it since I had to reserve our place in time for the fireworks display but my love ones sure had fun. They kept on laughing remembering the event. It's an interactive discussion with stitch on a live audience where he makes fun of them.
The whole experience enchanted everyone and we are just so happy our kids experienced it with us.
Though we were tired from yesterday's activity, we didn't waste time for this day's next adventure. We met a cousin who eagerly lead us to The Peak. It is the highest mountain on HongKong Island, it is 552 meters above sea level. To make the experience exciting, we took the peak tram instead of riding on a bus. The ride would elevate you to almost 90 degrees in order to reach the top. Quite scary but for the adventurer, all you need is to trust it is of the best technology. We went around Kowloon after our Peak moment. We had dinner at a restaurant before we bid farewell to our cousin, who went back where Jacky Chan is living. ;-)
Inside the tram going up the peak. |
The view from the top overlooking Hongkong Island. |
On our final day, we were suppose to go to the beach, at Repulse Bay since we thought the Ocean Park is closed under renovation but I think I made a mistake, only some of the attractions are closed so after verifying that the park is open, we headed there. It took us time to find where the bus going to the Ocean Park is, anyway, we found it after some sign languages made by the locals. Ticket price for general admission is at HK$ 280 (P1,540) and HK$ 140 (P770) for children 11 year-old and below. You can't bring in food or drinks here. One must buy everything inside, it's business.
The Ocean Park family tourists. :-P
Ride to the cable car on your way to the theme park. |
It was a blast spending the day where many rides and attractions were in store for the young and the young at heart.
My daughter insisted I should ride with her, thanks to this brave lil girl who let me conquer my fear. |
See how they are having fun. |
The Rapids gave us a shower on this warm day. |
The ride where I was the only one screaming, what a shame! :-D |
Underwater venture. |
Promoting and protecting nature by showing how these dolphins interact with the human. |
At the end of the day, it's your family's joy the most important. |
Farewell, HongKong for we got to see another world too!